Outstanding Alumni Association Communication Award
Winner: San Diego Area ΣΑΕ Alumni Association
This marks the fourth consecutive occasion the Association has won the Outstanding Alumni Association Communication Award and the ninth time since first receiving the award in 1999. This award recognizes groups that excel in communicating their messages to specific audiences. Awards are given for content, design and layout; effectiveness of news; and production quality.

Outstanding Alumni Association Special Events or Project
Winner: San Diego Area ΣΑΕ Alumni Association
The Outstanding Alumni Association Special Event or Project was awarded to the Association for the History of ΣΑΕ in San Diego. The History Project Leader & Editor is David Robinson (CA-Theta’69). We strongly encourage you to do so if you haven’t read this book. You will see a broad overview of the highlights from 1921 to 2015: from the birth of Epsilon Eta to the formation of three chapters of ΣΑΕ - and much more. We encourage you to look back and learn more about how ΣΑΕ has evolved in San Diego.
The Association won this same award in 2019 for the Leadership Transition Forum, for which the fourth annual event concluded in August. This Forum is a half-day event where we bring together incoming and outgoing Chapter officers to discuss best practices and plans for the upcoming year.
