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Bro Pro-Files: Dick Troncone (CA-TH ’65)

Writer's picture: Kip BartonKip Barton

Updated: Mar 28, 2018

Your Association Board of Directors has awarded Brother Dick Troncone, CA-TH ’65, President Emeritus status, in perpetuity. The document confirming this award was presented to Dick at the December, 2015 Holiday Party (see photos below). His new status will be further celebrated at Founders Day in March, making him our Brother of the Year for 2016.

In the ΣAE News of October, 2009 Dick was featured as our BroProfile. That article is reprinted below. Since that interview in 2009, Dick’s children have been busy providing him four grandsons: Daughter Angela and husband John; Jasper (5 years) and Archer (6 months). Son Scott and wife Kristin; Luca (23 months) and Rocco (4 months). Dick and partner Ira Price are making preparations to retire from their real estate development business. He has continued his active involvement with the Downtown Rotary and continues his weekly volunteer elementary school reading committment. He and Stephanie also have an active 8 month old Wheaten Terrier, Buckley, who keeps both of them on their toes.

We know Dick will stay actively involved in the ΣAE Alumni Association, that he effectively reinvented almost three decades ago. We all wish him well as he winds down many of his organized responsibilities and steps into a retirement that promises to be a very active one, knowing Dick as we do!

From the October 2009 issue of ΣAE News When Dick Troncone was installed as the 100th president of the San Diego Rotary Club (the world’s third largest Rotary club) in July 2009, it was another major milestone in his ongoing commitment to the community, SDSU, and, of course SAE. Brother Troncone (CA-TH ‘67), president of the SAE Alumni Association since 1984,has been a long-time advocate of service.“I’ve always believed that you get out of an organization what you put into it,” he said.

A 1967 graduate of SDSU, Dick had his first “giving back” experience as an undergrad, when he served the fraternity as pledge trainer, treasurer and EA. “Participating in the fraternity helped me appreciate the importance of being involved,” he said. “Then after graduation, I was asked to become Province Treasurer.” He later joined the local House Corporation and eventually assumed the presidency from Bob Battenfield in 1970. Selected by the Supreme Council, he also served as a trustee of the SAE Foundation from 1993-1997.

As SAE Alumni Association president, Dick has experienced the challenges but chooses to emphasize the positive. “A key highlight was being able to help restore and bring Cal Theta back to where it is now--as a top fraternity on campus, after the chapter’s 1991 closure.”

On an individual basis, he is grateful for the numerous relationships developed during his long tenure.“My involvement has helped foster strong friendships with brothers I might not have otherwise known,” he explained.

Dick also found time to be president of the SDSU Alumni Association and was later honored with the prestigious Monty Award for distinguished service to the University.

His peers obviously recognize Dick’s achievements. ”Dick is without a doubt one of the most giving people I've ever known, and his selfless dedication to SAE Fraternity, Rotary International, SDSU and others simply defies comparison,” stressed brother Mark McLaren. (CA-TH ‘68).“He is a fantastic friend, a truly loving and unique individual, and a priceless resource to San Diego."

Added Tom Gable (CA-TH‘66),“Since being elected EA of CalTheta,‘Bone,’as he was affectionately nicknamed by the brothers, has set high standards for leadership and community involvement.This ranges from major responsibilities, such as being current president of San Diego Rotary to heading the SAE house corporation during tumultuous times, to reading to elementary school students in a low income area once a week for almost two decades.”

In addition to his many years of volunteerism, Dick has had a busy professional life. After an early period in the banking profession, he moved into real formed Price Troncone & Associates, a commercial real estate development firm that has worked with Cox Communications and a variety of other companies, and recently celebrated their 30-year anniversary.“It’s been a rewarding, challenging career during the ups and downs of the real estate market,” he added.

Dick emphasized that he wouldn’t be able to maintain his hectic schedule without the support of others. “The encouragement and assistance I’ve had from family, SAE Alumni board and Rotary leadership has been critical. Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to juggle the balls.”

In his “free” time, Dick and wife Sephanie, a retired school principal, enjoy spending time with their gourmet cooking group (including Brothers Gable, Cleator and McLaren and spouses) as well as traveling.“We’re also fortunate to have our two adult children (Scott and Angela) live in San Diego. We see them almost every Sunday for dinner. Family is very important to me.”

~ By John McMullen, et al


© 2018 by San Diego Area SAE Alumni Association

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