The past two years brought new, unforeseen challenges that changed how we interact with one another. Unfortunately, the curtailing of social gatherings threw us into an unplanned hiatus.
Like the Phoenix, the encouraging news is we have risen from the ashes - bigger and stronger!
In October, we held a Brews with Bros at Coronado Brewing Company which over thirty (30) brothers attended. November, we hosted an Association Luncheon at the San Diego Yacht Club. The guest speaker, Coach Brian Dutcher, always draws large numbers, and this was one of our largest, with over 60 brothers in attendance!
Planning a full-scale Founders Day dinner was impractical due to the tenuous nature of Covid-19 restrictions. In March, we chose to forego the traditional dinner celebration and instead gathered for a casual celebration at Coronado Brewing Company. It was great to see many brothers we hadn't seen in numerous months and encounter new brothers, which we look forward to getting to know even better at upcoming social events.
In 2022, the Association Board decided to forego the traditional membership levels (Basic, Century, Lion, and Minerva) due to the uncertainty of the Covid-19 restriction's impact on our social calendar. We will fund the Association events on a "pay as you go" basis this year.
We have also created a "Phi Alpha Fund" for Brothers to support the Alumni Association. Please contribute as you are able. https://www.saesd.org/membership. Funds raised will allow the Association to award scholarships to local undergrads to attend the National Leadership School in August in Evanston, IL. Reserves also will enable the Association to subsidize the cost of various gatherings for the active chapter Brothers in the area.
Your support of the "Phi Alpha Fund" is much appreciated!
Thank you to all of the Brothers who took the time to respond to the Association survey. We learned a lot from everyone's input. Based on what we learned, we are putting plans in place to hold the following events this year:
Association Luncheons: We plan to host an Association luncheon each quarter.
Brews With Bros: This happy hour gathering is becoming a popular way to keep in touch with local alumni and undergrads. These are a crowd favorite and have attracted new members to the Association. We plan to host this event quarterly.
SDAAA Golf Tournament: This summer, we are in the early planning stages for a golf tournament. We will be reaching out shortly to gauge the level of interest.
ΣΑΕ Leadership Transition Forum: This conference brings newly elected officers from local chapters together to connect, break bread, discuss best practices and challenges, and hear from a well-respected and successful ΣΑΕ alumnus who discusses leadership and the role it played in their personal, fraternal, and professional lives. At our last event, in September 2019, we were honored to have Brother Ron Roberts (CA-TH' 65) keynote the event. The San Diego Area ΣΑΕ Alumni Association was awarded the best Special Event or Project award by ΣΑΕ National.
This award recognizes a particular event or unique project conceived, planned, and implemented that directly impacts the Association's goals and enhances the reputation of the Fraternity. We could not have done it without your support.
To continue to grow the San Diego Area ΣΑΕ Alumni Association, we need to attract alumni from throughout the realm who currently San Diego their home. Our outreach to new members continues, and word of mouth is essential. Please spread the word about the fun events we are planning.
With that said, I ask anyone reading this who is not a current member to consider re-pledging your support to the Association. You can join or renew your membership simply by going to:
I want to say a big Phi Alpha to everyone for your giving and participation! Your involvement makes our Association one of the best in the country.
I look forward to seeing you at upcoming events! Phi Alpha!
Kip Barton
President, San Diego Area ΣΑΕ Alumni Association
email: president@saesd.org