Hard to believe that we are approaching the end of 2018. It seems like yesterday we were hearing from DEA Special Agent, Public Information Officer, Amy Roderick on the growing Opioid Epidemic in the United States at our first luncheon this past February. In total this year our Association has hosted 4 luncheons, 2 Brews with Bros, Founders Day, and will end the year with our Annual Holiday Party on Friday December 14th.
When asked about our Association and what we do one of the first things I answer say is we provide our members and nonmembers opportunities to come together and network through a variety of events.
Another equally important function of our Association is the vast support we offer our three undergraduate chapters through scholarship, mentorship, and programming.
This past September we held the Second Annual Chapter Leadership Transition Forum which brought incoming executive officers from San Diego State University, University of California San Diego, and California State University San Marcos to discuss best practices of their respective chapters. This year’s forum featured keynote speaker James Ellis, Dean of the Marshall School of Business at USC, to speak to the group about leadership. Ultimately the goal of the forum is to have the undergraduates share ideas and build relationships with one another.
Of course we can not do any of this without the support of our members. The reality is, it is imperative that we have your support and I want to thank all who joined or renewed in 2018.
I do hope you all will be able to make our Holiday Party on December 14th so we can thank you again for your support.
If you are a non member reading this I urge you to consider supporting our Association in 2019 even if you are not able to make all of our events. Yearly membership at the Regular Membership level ($30) or even the Century Club level ($100) can make a huge impact.
Regardless of your membership status, all SAEs and a guest are welcome at our Holiday Party. As always you can get more information, register, and pay for Association events and join or renew your membership at www.saesd.org.
As we head into the holidays may you all enjoy the time with your friends and loved ones.
In the bonds,
Adam Porter
President, San Diego Area Alumni Association